
Slimming & Toning Treatments

  • 10 sessions - $2,750 ($275 ea.)

  • 5 sessions - $1,500 ($300 ea.)

  • 3 sessions - $975 (325 ea.)

  • Single session - $350

Facial Toning Treatments

  • 10 sessions - $1,800 ($180 ea.)

  • 5 sessions - $1,100 ($220 ea.)

  • Single session - $250




Make Every Body Proud

Non-invasive slimming technology to help you shape the body you want.

What is Cryoskin?

Cryoskin is a device used to reduce inches and smooth skin. Clients can see results after one session, but best results are after about 5 sessions.

How does it work?

The session lasts about 28 minutes and is done manually through a massage technique. The sessions are 100% non-invasive and there is no downtime.

How quickly will I see results?

The results are generally visible from the first session and often very encouraging. 78% of clients say their results are excellent.

Check Out Our Cryoskin Benefits


CryoSlimming® uses cold temperatures to reduce inches. It is completely non-invasive and uses science that works with your body’s natural systems. Don’t just take our word for it, see the results for yourself


With CryoToning®, there’s finally a real, non-invasive solution to help you smooth your skin. When Diet and Exercise aren’t enough, Cryoskin will help you to achieve the look you’ve been striving for.


CryoFacial® uses cool temperatures to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. A natural, non-invasive way to look younger and more radiant.

Cryoskin cools the skin just enough to reduce inches, whilst improving the quality of your skin.

No suction, no surgery. Just incredible results.

The Science

Cryoskin works by triggering apoptosis, a natural process of programmed cell death. This process is triggered by the cold temperature of the Cryoskin wand to decrease fat, as well as reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve the quality of your skin.

Why use Cryoskin?

Cryoskin helps you look and feel your best!

Cryoskin can be tailored to your body shape to help you create the body you want. We recommend starting with a consultation to determine the best treatments for you. Depending on what you want to achieve, Cryoskin has three treatment types.



How long are Cryoskin treatments?

The treatment lasts 20-44 minutes depending on the desired area and treatment type.

How often can I get treatments?

CryoSlimming® treatments can be performed once every 14 days and CryoToning®/CryoFacial® treatments can be performed every 3-7 days.

How quickly will I see results?

Results are typically visible after the first 5 treatments - however, some can see results immediately. Results continue to improve for 48 hours after the treatment.

How long will results last?

Results will depend on the individual and their lifestyle. CryoSlimming® is permanent with a healthy diet and lifestyle. CryoToning® and CryoFacials require maintenance treatments.

What should I do pre/post treatment?

Avoid working out 2 hours pre-treatment. Avoid carbs/sugars for a minimum of 2 hours before and after treatment. Drink 1.5L of water for 14 days following the treatment.


Before & After


3 Treatment Types



Looking to decrease fat?

CryoSlimming® first uses heat and then cold temperatures to decrease fat, which is flushed out by the lymphatic system over 14 days.

Whether you’re looking to reduce fat on your stomach, thighs, arms, or back, this is the solution for you. For best results, we recommend a package of treatments and to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Looking to smooth skin?

CryoToning® uses cold temperatures to stimulate collagen production, which decreases the appearance of cellulite and smooths skin. Shape those tough areas that diet and exercise just can’t reach.


Looking to reduce wrinkles?

CryoFacial® uses cold temperatures on the face to stimulate collagen, which reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and improves skin elasticity.